New Years Goals, Quotes & Affirmations from your YYF teachers

“Letting go takes a lot of courage sometimes. But once you let go, happiness comes very quickly.” - Thich Nhat Hanh

This past year I’ve found a lot of truth in Patanjali’s “two wings” of yoga: Never give up …. and always let go.

The two wings have been especially helpful in my life as it pertains to trying new things and being open to change. This “never give up” spirit comes in to play because I am naturally an introvert. Introverts recharge their energy through lots of alone time whether it’s in the woods, in a corner with a book, or just enjoying the silence. When introverts are challenged with things that require a lot of social energy, the default response can sometimes be “no.” Being aware of this, I have made a conscious effort this past year to embrace the “yes!” instead! In the Yen world, this has meant taking on new classes in new formats, which has been a challenge, but also a portal. This portal has led meeting new people, trying new classes, and enjoying a much richer life as a result.

“Always let go” has never been more true the past couple of years. Not only did both of my kids leave for college, many other changes have happened that we can all attest to. Patanjali says in the Sutras that attachment (ragas) causes suffering. Did I suffer when things I was attached to were removed from my life? Yes. Did I learn to let go? Yes, I had to …. just like everyone did. What a lesson from the mat! Over time, I realized that the sooner I moved from attachment to acceptance, not only did new doors open, but also walls and roofs, too! For example, our beloved studio downtown closed …. but opportunities at other gorgeous places indoors and outside showed us all how blessed we are in northern Michigan. My kids left for college …. but the time I got back to spend with Jim and friends, plus the additional time to teach new classes at Yen, have been such a gift.

So, I look forward to 2022 because of the lessons learned on the mat. Facing whatever comes my way with a never-give-up “yes!", I also know that on the flip side, always letting go is an equally valuable path to a life well-lived.

Happy New Year, dear friends!


An affirmation that I use quite a bit is a simple one: I got this

Also one of my favorite quotes:

Breathing in, I calm body and mind.

Breathing out, I smile.

Dwelling in the present moment I know this is the only moment.

- Thich Nhat Hanh

In 2022:

  • Continue the Practice of Intention and Attention

  • Listening speaking with a open Mind and Heart not having all the answers not feeling the need to explain my choices

  • Setting healthy boundaries physically emotionally and mentally

  • Observing my input and output of energy and adjusting when needed

  • More Nature Less Technology

  • Strive to live with harmony balance

My Mantra is:

May you see clearly

May you speak and listen clearly

May you feel your hearts devotion clearly

My favorite quotes-

“You cannot change where you are going unless you change what you do.”
“It doesn’t happen all at once, you become, it takes a long time.” - Margery Williams
“This day will never come again.” - Thomas Merton

Happy new year!!


My affirmations for 2020: I am strong. I believe in myself. I am grateful.

True confession:  I’m a serial list maker and goal setter.

Every year I create a mantra to focus my energy and intention and work on a personal challenge each month.  I like to set goals by the month for several reasons:

1.  I have commitment issues  😊 

 2.  Thirty days is very doable and at the end can either decide to keep the habit or let it go.

As I was considering my 2022 mantra I reflected on a recent conversation with a dear friend, his wife’s cancer is in remission after having almost lost her, and he was expressing his gratitude.

He shared that every morning when they both wake up, one of his first thoughts is:  This is the day we got.  And they set the intention of living, and loving, fully.

So simple, beautiful and inspiring.

My 2022 mantra for the days I get:  Seek freedom, embrace change, build connections.

My January personal challenge:  Breathwork.  Every. Day.  I have a love/hate relationship with the Wim Hoff method.  But I’d rather do the breathwork than the ice bath or cold shower!

Wishing you peace, health and love in 2022.

This year my thoughts are to enjoy the present moment and truly immerse myself in the NOW! I’m usually thinking of setting exercise goals and diet resolutions for the new year but after all we’ve collectively experienced…the present moment is the only certain thing we have and it gives us the most beautiful realization that nothing is permanent, time is fleeting- so soak it up, whether good or bad- Our good experiences are that much sweeter when we’re fully present for the not so good ones. Staying present while with loved ones or doing something I enjoy is the greatest gift I can give my future self- for in the end our memories are priceless!

Be the things you loved most about the people who are gone.

It’s ok to not be ok

Feel the feelings I’m having and just notice

A quote I will have on my desk and in my journal this month is:

Courage is the most important of all the virtues because without courage you can’t practice any other virtue consistently. You can practice any virtue erratically – kind, fair, true, generous – but to be that time after time, you need courage. MAYA ANGELOU


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