Recipes: Vegetarian Thanksgiving

In keeping with our mission to share some alternative Thanksgiving recipes, we had to pass along the link to this gorgeous interactive spread of vegetarian Thanksgiving recipes from the New York Times.

More Americans are becoming interested in vegetarian cooking, even if they don’t plan on giving up meat entirely. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, only a quarter of American adults eat veggies the recommended three or more times a day. But a study published by Vegetarian Times in 2008 found that 10 percent of Americans are trying to eat less meat and incorporate more grains, fruits and veggies in their diet (only about 3 percent of Americans identify as strict vegetarians).

Whether you’re going all-veg or full-on traditional turkey this year, we bet these veggie dishes will make your mouth water (as it did ours!).

What are you excited to dish up this Thanksgiving?


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