Student Spotlight: Marcia Moore

I started taking classes at Yen during my summer vacation time in Eastport. I was an active yoga student at my hometown studio, and Yen provided me with a "home away from home." I look to yoga as an opportunity to stay physically fit and strong but also to mentally "center" myself and build internal peace and calm. When we moved here permanently in 2015, Yen became my "home studio". I live 25 miles from Traverse City, so a weekly or bi-weekly visit became my routine. And even though I would have truly benefitted from and enjoyed more classes, it was quite a distance. Nevertheless, Yen became my yoga family, offering community and camaraderie. The staff, facilities, and quality instruction are the best. Such a great vibe!

When we traveled to Florida for the winter, I knew I was sacrificing my "Yen Zen" for the sun. I could never have predicted the reality we are all dealing with now. I have never been a fan of taped or on-line yoga classes. In desperation, I tried other yoga on-line classes my friends recommended, but nothing compares to Yen instructors and spirit. 

I was so grateful to join the virtual classes as soon as they were offered. We were all, at that point, looking for a respite from the staggering daily news and oppressive negativity of the pandemic. The ability of the instructors to adapt to virtual classes amazes me! I was eager to take the challenge and set myself a goal of a class every day. And I DID IT! I enjoyed 37 classes in 37 days. My spirit was raised every day during those sessions and I felt so much more positive about facing the day's challenges. Yen saved me! It also afforded me an opportunity to take classes and engage with teachers I would not usually be able to enjoy.  Now I can participate in INSPIRE and Vinyasa classes in addition to Vin/Yin. I've always enjoyed my morning classes at Yen, but now I don't have to set out an hour before class to get to the studio on time. And I'm so appreciative of the reasonable price for such valuable instruction. 

What a gift!

 I have continued to take 4 or 5 classes weekly now that we are back home. My practice and balance, both physical and mental, have greatly improved. I can focus on the trees and the lake from my deck or bedroom window. I have a "front row mat"! I believe it is the safest way to practice in a community class right now, and since I'm in the Covid "vulnerable"age bracket, I will continue to take virtual classes as long as they are offered. 

I'm so fortunate and so grateful to Yen for making this happen for all of us. 



Student Spotlight: Jan Karttunen


Student Spotlight: Joanna Costantino