#WearBlueFriday This Month at Yen

Spring is in the air. We can all feel it.

And with that sense, there is renewed hope and joy.

As yogis, we believe we are created to radiate that light to others, especially the most vulnerable among us.

Please join us this month as we share that light every Friday evening from 5pm-6pm with free, donation-based classes to benefit the Traverse Bay Children’s Advocacy Center.

What can you do? First, to support the shelter’s #WearBlueFriday campaign, wear blue, a visual reminder that abused children are very much in need of our voice. 

The center reports that one in 10 children is abused sexually, physically and otherwise in our community.

The color blue has significance in the study of our chakras, or energy centers. Blue is associated with the throat chakra, the connection between your heart and your mind. 

Together, let’s paint 1 nail blue, don our favorite blue hues and come together to raise our voices and share our wealth for the most vulnerable by donating to the Traverse Bay Children’s Advocacy Center.

When you do these things, know that you have become hope and joy for others.

For more, visit the Traverse Bay Children’s Advocacy Center. 


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Donation December to benefit Safe Harbor of Grand Traverse