Student Spotlight: Rod Robertson

When did you start coming to Yen Yoga & Fitness?

I started coming to Yen Yoga & Fitness in 2012 when my friend Sarah Louisignau taught Inspire here. It wasn’t until fall of 2016 when I became a member and started coming regularly.

What was your reason for starting? (Mind, Body, Health, etc)

I would say all the above as well as to share my practice with others and also to be around like minded people who practice health and healing in mind, body, spirit.

What has been your biggest accomplishment since becoming a member at Yen Yoga & Fitness?

Graduating from Yen Yoga & Fitness’s 2017 200 hour teacher training program. It was a path I’d always wanted to pursue, and being in the studio around such amazing teachers who were so influential and supportive definitely played a huge role in taking that path.

What is your favorite class?

If I had to pick… please don’t make me pick. There are too many great classes and extraordinary teachers to choose from. Lots have influenced my practice in so many ways.

Right now I’ve been taking Stephanie Lynn’s early morning vinyasa classes and Temple’s early morning yin classes. These are my cornerstone practices. And when I get the chance I love taking hot yen with my fellow YTT alumni, Peter Taylor.

Do you have any funny Yen moments you’d like to share, or any “meditations from the mat” moments?

If someone is going to make you giggle while holding a difficult pose at 6:15am, it’s Stephanie! But, I must add that I don’t think I’ve ever been in the studio and not had a smile on my face at some point.

What advice or words of encouragement would you like to pass along to people who haven’t been to Yen Yoga & Fitness?

You have to go and see to believe the magic this studio beholds.


Student Spotlight: Teri Kelly


Student Spotlight: Scott Munn