Student Spotlight: Teri Kelly

When did you start coming to Yen Yoga & Fitness?

I followed my Yogi Jenny Lintvedt when she moved to the studio so I guess I started when Yen opened. I started being a true member about 3 years ago so I could go as much as I want to all classes I want.  

What was your reason for starting? (Mind, Body, Health, etc)

I wanted to do something that worked my body and cleared my mind, and yoga has been that for me.  Whether a Vinyasa or Restorative class, I always come out feeling better physically and mentally than when I came in, so much so I can't imagine life without it.

What has been your biggest accomplishment since becoming a member at Yen Yoga & Fitness?

My biggest accomplishment was completing Yen’s teacher training and becoming a 200 hr CYT.  I've been asked why I do yoga and now I can show them. Being able to practice on my own or sharing with others is just another wonderful journey that is just beginning.

What is your favorite class?

Impossible to say.  Sometimes you want a Warm Yin or Vinyasa or Restorative.  I walk out of all classes with a sense of peace and clear mind and the world is good.

Do you have any funny Yen moments you’d like to share, or any “meditations from the mat” moments?

Funny moment- one really comes to mind.  You’re in a class, you have told the instructor you kinda tweaked your back so you’re going to be careful and as you go into a certain gentle twist, tweak.  Oh and the expletive you thought was loud in your mind actually did come out of your mouth. I’m still apologizing for that day!

What advice or words of encouragement would you like to pass along to people who haven’t been to Yen Yoga & Fitness?

Practice and keep practicing.  The journey started over 10 years ago for me and yet it's also just beginning.  I'm volunteering teaching yoga at Reining Liberty Ranch with one of my fellow classmates, Cristin.  I'm so excited to hopefully bring a little bit of peace and bliss to anyone who wants to know why I do what I do. If I can reach one person the way my guides have touched me...


Guided Meditations


Student Spotlight: Rod Robertson