You can still donate to the WRC!

Thinking Like a Yogi

When you first unroll your mat, you join a community that is quite different than the rest of the world.

The world would have you living for yourself…outside-in. Me first. What can I get? What can I buy? What can I consume?

It’s not that those things are inherently bad in themselves, but we learn from the teachings that what our hearts yearn for becomes our destiny.

Against the current Western culture, ancient yogic teachings remind us to live from the inside-out. What can I give? Who can I elevate? What service can I perform?

The Women’s Resource Center embodies this yogic mindset. The Center’s doors have been open to victims of sexual and domestic violence for more than 40 years. In its four decades of service, the WRC is known as the area’s primary service provider for domestic and sexual violence survivors, assisting residential and non-residential clients with support, advocacy and immediate crisis intervention.

On Saturday, 10/29/22, Yen Yoga instructor and WRC advocate Jamie Bell is leading a donation-based class for this safe haven.

“We know that statistically one in four women experience severe intimate partner violence in their lifetime,” she said. “When we look at our clientele and consider all of the women that we work with we can accurately assume that many of them are directly impacted by this issue.”

Yogis, you are called to a new way of living. Come join us Saturday, October 29 at 3pm for Jamie’s donation-based class. Open your heart and your wallet for this incredible place that has been a sanctuary to so many.

Sign up for Jamie’s class.

You can donate at


East Meets West Experience


Warm Flow for Florida